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Monday 4 June 2012


Nigerian house-mate, Goldie, seems to have finally gotten over her recent melancholy mood.

She woke up on Monday, June 3, 2012, on a happy note, and has since been active and full of smiles. This is unlike the sad and depressed attitude she has been displaying.

According to her ‘ex’ Prezzo, this is an indication that she has gotten over their break up.

‘Either she woke up on the right side of the bed this morning or she has finally come back down to earth‘, he told Roki.

Goldie’s mood change was also noticed by the other house-mates, as Roki asked why she was so happy. ‘This mood that you are in this morning, it’s amazing’, he told her. Replying with a smile, the singer said, ‘What do you mean? I always wake up in this mood‘.

This new attitude has since become a wonder for most of the Upville house mates considering the fact that just a few days ago, she was full of tears and refused to eat; causing some housemates to insinuate she was on a suicide mission.

Meanwhile the Upville housemates have been nominated with DKB receiving the highest nods (5). Zainab has three nominations with Goldie and Roki following with two. Maneta, Lady May, Prezzo and Barbz all have one

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